Today, 30% of data is actually used by companies.
Enhancing the value of data
- Determining data potential
- Research and analyze data to discover its characteristics and determine its value-added potential.
What we deliver to our customers: knowledge and performance!
How it works
To find out more...
- Predicting behavior
- Implement Machine Learning models to predict situations, contexts and behaviors.
- Detecting phenomena
- Implementation of Deep Learning models to detect, recognize and characterize objects in imaging streams (Computer Vision).
100% of customers are convinced by Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Do an EDA and you'll know!
Audit performed by our Data Scientists, from €15,000 over a 2-month period
“ We have identified weak signals of anomalies on our installations, and we're going to exploit them for a predictive maintenance project on a substantial fleet of several thousand pieces of equipment. ”
Agnès Operations Manager
“ Exploratory data analysis has enabled us to better understand the use and behavior of a large, complex installation, and we now know the levers for optimizing it, with probable gains of around 15%. ”
Fabrice Production Manager