Our history, our identity
Why Equans Digital?
Digital is set to take on a special, strategic role between our customers' assets and the challenge of maximizing their performance. This trend is also growing at the same pace as the convergence between OT (operational technologies) and IT (information technologies) is accelerating.
We are convinced thatone of the keys to achieving sustainable performance (whether technical, environmental, or in terms of usage), resides in a detailed understanding of the customer's businesses as well as a perfect mastery of their facilities and technical infrastructures.
This is why we decided to create a dedicated organization as well as a brand, Equans Digital, to help our customers develop their performance through their digital transition while capitalizing on our historical knowledge of your physical processes and installations.
We integrate digital to serve your performance
Equans Digital is the structure that federates all our ICT and Digital specialist companies within Equans our shareholder, that is to say an organization of over 9,000 experts in 20 countries across the World and 1.5 Billion Euros in sales (half of which in France) generated within our major markets: Industry, Tertiary (Public and Private), Cities & Territories.
Equans Digital's multi-technical Integrator DNA, combined with the triple anchoring of our entities (local for proximity to our customers, business to provide specialist answers, cross-functional to have a high level of expertise), enables us to provide you with customized, high-quality digital services.
Finally, our mode of operation as a Worldwide network enables Equans Digital to capitalize on the strong field experience acquired by its historical brands and companies (INEO, AXIMA, ByES), to combine their digital added values, while looking to the future with innovative and sustainable solutions to increase your performance.

“ Performance in the B2B world is the result of the encounter between a specific customer need and the integration of different digital bricks and expertise. Through the Equans Digital network, we standardize on customized solutions, offering our customers cost-effective, efficient and high-quality solutions to meet their specific needs. ”