Some key figures...
employees 15
M€ sales 18
offers To meet our customers' needs for both financial and environmental performance, and to support them throughout the entire lifecycle of their assets, we have developed our own brand of Building Information Modeling: BIM Life®.
Building data, as well as that relating to user behavior, are collected to enable the building to be transformed in line with user needs and expectations.
The infrastructure's use and heritage value thus increases sustainably.
Our expertise
Technical and Architectural Synthesis
BIM & CIM Management
Data Management and As-Built Documentation (DOE)
Digital Twins: E&M / BOS
Connected Operator
Various BIM Services
Our vision
need to build and maintain better...
collaborate on projects, with data,
to build and maintain differently...
innovate and use the BIM process
as a lever of value
Our organization
With more than 280 projects completed, BIM Life® teams are already working with numerous players in the service sector, industry, cities and local authorities.

“ The BIM "playground" has yet to be fully defined, so the possibilities are endless! ”
Matthieu Ferrua Director of BIM Life France, Equans Digital